My invite to you
As a serial entrepreneur, investor, business mentor and champion of early stage businesses I’m thrilled to be part of an event that embodies some of the most critical and sought after ideas, knowledge needed to successfully launch, sustain and scale businesses.
The Scale Up Summit has been in the works for months, as my team and I scoured the start up eco system, trying to identify the most critical variables in scaling start ups. Endless hours have been spent engaging with early stage businesses, learning what the challenges and solutions are in successfully scaling a new business.
As the Founder of ERx, I have tied the future of our business to yours. We’re in this together and during the three days of this event we will help guide you and your business to the critical plateaus we’ve identified as essential in your success.
I look forward to visiting with you in October to connect you with some of the brightest and most impactful investors, practitioners, mentors, and business experts to scale up YOUR Start up.